Monday, March 14

Letter To Martinsville

I don't want to sound like I'm judging.
I remember when I was a young-en on the block hustling.
I'm speaking to the mothers who are tired of losing their lovers, cousins, and brothers.
We must look above us instead of killing one another.
The world is hard and cold. Leaving us sheep separated from the fold.
Burying our friends is getting old. Time to be bold.
Time to build a better living. Love our women and teach our kids about forgiving.
This is just the beginning of our prison.
Trapped, most are feeling. I'm praying for healing.
Where are the people ready for rebuilding?
The only thing we can do is get smarter.
Teach our daughters to become scholars. We need fathers.
Those who would rather be doctors and not worry about who's harder.
Who killed our dreams? Lack of wisdom keeps us unable to achieve.
Those who believe and are not deceived by the devil with tricks up his sleeves.
We say R.I.P but we do the same things that cause our grief. We need to be free.
Turning our pain into a story. We need to see the glory.
Fight for our city, making it look pretty instead of ugly and shitty.
We can play the blame game but that doesn't change a thing.
Trust me I feel your pain but its not always gonna rain.
If you're a leader be a teacher or a preacher.
Think about the bigger picture before our city crumbles beneath us.
Its never too late to do something great.
Don't wait, do it today. Make better choices to change our city into something gorgeous.
This is a message to all of us. I hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.
The time is now for change in Martinsville.

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